Check out for today's Quick Takes!
- It's been awhile due to a busy last few weeks, but I am back!
- Check out this video (courtesy of Creative Minority Report), and then be sure to VOTE this November!
The strength of our nation, it's not only in its military or economic power, but in our commitment to moral values. - While my family was here in DC, we did a lot of really interesting things that are not necessarily on the list of "Top Ten Things to Do in DC." I plan on writing up a post about some "Must Sees in DC", but if you ever find yourself in the DC area during the summer months, be sure to check out the Marine Corps Sunset Parade at the Iwo Jima Memorial.
The Marine Drum and Bugle Corps performs two full shows (complete with drill! on an unmarked field!), the silent drill team performs, and they also honor all fallen and current Marines with a gun salute and the playing of taps. It really is quite an humbling experience and a fun way to spend time with people. Bring a blanket and a snack and get there early if the weather is nice!
- I have now officially be in DC for a year. It seems so weird - sometimes it feels like the time has passed very quickly and sometimes it seems to just drudge on by (usually when I am anticipating going back home to see friends and family!). I have to say that one of the biggest accomplishments I've made in the past year though - surviving DC traffic while managing to not get lost 95% of the time. It's been quite a feat - lots of studying maps and road signs as I drive!
- My new roommate moved in this past weekend! The former roommate had to move closer to work, but I was able to find someone new to take her place through a mutual friend at the Newman Center. It has been making me anxious with all the boxes and things in the apartment the past two weeks, but we are finally getting everything organized. I also think we get along really well, and I think it will be nice to have a roommate who is not only a respectful person to live with but also a friend. Here's hoping it works out!
- It is so good to be back at daily Mass! Due to visits and traveling and priests being out of town, it had been a few weeks since I had been to regular daily Mass, but I am back again.
- Unfortunately, I failed at completing the Consecration to Jesus through Mary. I made it a little over half way, but with traveling all over, it just stopped happening. I'm a little disappointed, but am glad that I made it that far - and hopefully I will give it a shot again next year! Check out a great homily from the Feast of the Assumption here.
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